
What is the estimated S3 file loss percentage [closed]

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I am trying to communicate to a client the likely-hood of losing files in S3. I would also like to know if it is possible to lose an entire bucket from S3. So, I would like to know the following:

  1. Is there a documented expected file loss percentage in S3?
  2. Is there a documented expected bucket loss percentage in S3?

When I say "lose" a file. I mean a file that is lost, damaged or otherwise unable to be pulled from S3. This "loss" is caused by a failure on S3. It is not caused by a tool or other user error.

Amazon doesn't give any kind of SLA or data loss guarantees for data stored on S3, but as far as I know nobody has ever lost any data on S3 aside from user/tool errors.

I would say the probability of user / coder error causing data loss is substantially greater than data loss through some kind of failure on S3. So you may wish to consider some kind of backup strategy to mitigate that.





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