
How can I copy files with special characters in their names with Perl's File::Copy?

I am trying to copy all files in one location to a different location and am using the File::Copy module and copy command from that, but now the issue I am facing is that I have file whose name has special character whose ascii value is &#253 but in unix file system it is stored as ? and so my question is that will copy or mo开发者_开发技巧ve command consider this files with special characters while copying or moving to another location or not, if now then what would be an possible work around for this ?

Note: I cannot create file with special characters in unix because special characters are replaced with ? and I cannot do so in Windows because on Windows Special Characters are replaced with the Encoded value as in my case of &#253 ?

my $folderpath = 'the_path';
open my $IN, '<', 'path/to/infile';
my $total;
while (<$IN>) {
    my $size = -s "$folderpath/$_";
    print "$_ => $size\n";
    $total += $size;
print "Total => $total\n";

Courtesy: RickF Answer

Any suggesion would be highly appreciated.

Reference Question : Perl File Handling Question

As workaround I can suggest to convert all unsupported characters to supported. This can be done in many ways. For example you can use URI::Escape:

use URI::Escape;
my $new_file_name = uri_escape($weird_file_name);


Here is how I was able to copy file by its uft-8 name. I'm on Windows. I've used Win32::GetANSIPathName to get short file name. Then it was copied nice:

use File::Copy;
use URI::Escape;
use Win32;

use utf8; ## tell perl that source code is in utf-9
use strict;
use warnings;

my $test_file = "IBMýSoftware.txt";
my $from_file = Win32::GetANSIPathName($test_file); ## get "short" name of file
my $to_file   = uri_escape($test_file); ## name with special characters escaped

printf("copy [%s] -> [%s]\n", $from_file, $to_file);
copy($from_file, $to_file);

After coping all file to new names on Windows, you'll be able to work with them on linux without problems.

Here are some hints about utf-8 file opening:

  • How do I create a Unicode directory on Windows using Perl?
  • With a utf8-encoded Perl script, can it open a filename encoded as GB2312?

Character 253 is ý. I guess that on your Unix system the locale is not set, or only the most primitive fall-back locale is in effect, and that is why you see a replacement character. If I am guessing correctly, the solution is to simply set the locale to something, preferably to an UTF-8 locale since that can handle all characters, and Perl shouldn't even enter into the problem.

> cat 3761218.pl
use utf8;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use autodie qw(:all);

my $file_name = '63551_106640_63551 IBMýSoftware Delivery&Fulfillment(Div-61) Data IPS 08-20-2010 v3.xlsm';
open my $h, '>', $file_name;

> perl 3761218.pl
> ls 6*
63551_106640_63551 IBMýSoftware Delivery&Fulfillment(Div-61) Data IPS 08-20-2010 v3.xlsm
> LANG=C ls 6* # temporarily cripple locale so that the problem in the question is exhibited
63551_106640_63551 IBM??Software Delivery&Fulfillment(Div-61) Data IPS 08-20-2010 v3.xlsm
> locale | head -1 # show which locale I have set

The following script works as expected for me:


use strict; use warnings;
use autodie;

use File::Copy qw( copy );
use File::Spec::Functions qw( catfile );

my $fname = chr 0xfd;

open my $out, '>', catfile($ENV{TEMP}, $fname);
close $out;

copy catfile($ENV{TEMP}, $fname) => catfile($ENV{HOME}, $fname);




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