
How can I filter a DataColumn on a TimeSpan value?

Programming in C#.NET. I have a DataTable with a column named Time which is of type System.TimeSpan. When I display the DataTable in a Da开发者_开发知识库taGridView I want to filter out all the entries that don't have a time listed. I have tried the following but to no avail. Can you help?

DataView myDataView = new DataView(SomeDataTable);
myDataView.RowFilter += "Time >= 1";  // doesn't work
myDataView.RowFilter += "Time >= #00:00:01#";  // doesn't work
myDataView.RowFilter += "Time <> ''";  // doesn't work
myDataView.RowFilter += "Time <> ''";  // doesn't work

I found it...

myDataView.RowFilter = "Convert(Time, System.String) <> ''";

If someone bump into this annoying problem, unfortunately there is no good solve. It seams that filter DataTable with System.TimeSpan is not working. The solution I use is to change the type of the column in the SQL to NVARCHAR(8) from Time(0) (or whatever) and then you can just apply logic upon it like so:

StringBuilder builder = new();

// IsNull() is my own string extension
if (!ExecutionTimeFrom.IsNull())
    builder.Append($"AND TimeStamp >= '{ExecutionTimeFrom}' ");
if (!ExecutionTimeTo.IsNull())
    builder.Append($"AND TimeStamp <= '{ExecutionTimeTo}' ");

Afterward convert string from the sql table from hh:mm:ss (10:32:15) back into System.TimeSpan is as easy as:

bool isTimeSpan = TimeSpan.TryParse(TimeFromSql, out TimeSpan time);

I break my head on this for two days, I hope it will help :)





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