Can I use a lambda expression with params keyword?
Lets say I have the following code:
delegate int MyDel (int n); // my delegate
static int myMethod( MyDel lambda, int n) {
n *= n;
n = lambda(n);
return n; // returns 开发者_StackOverflowmodified n
This way, having different lambda expression I can tune the output of the Method.
myMethod ( x => x + 1, 5);
myMethod ( x => x - 1, 5);
Now, if I don't want to do any aritmethic in lambda expression, I could use:
myMethod ( x => x, 5); // and lambda will simply return x
My question is, is there a way to use the lambda expresion with 'params' optional properties? Maybe somehow embedding my delegate in array?
static int myMethod (int n, params MyDel lambda) {
Does this work?
EDIT Sorry, was doing this with one eye, let me rephrase that.
static int myMethod (int n, params MyDel[] lambdas) {
Yes you can.
delegate int MyDelegate(int n);
static void MyMethod(int n, params MyDelegate[] handlers)
for (int i = 0; i < handlers.Length; i++)
if (handlers[i] == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("handlers");
static void Main(string[] args)
MyMethod(1, x => x, x => x + 1);