
How to allow underscore in this 'Password Complexity' regex

Here it is:


It only passes if the password contains upper case AND lower case letters, and also either 1 digit or 1 special character, however I want underscore _ to count as a special character as well and it currently does not, how can modify this regex so that it will allow underscore to count as a special character?

EDIT: here is the context...

jQuery.validator.addMethod("complexity", function(value, element) {
    return this.optional(element) || /(?=^.{8,}$)((?=.*\d)|(?=.*\W+))(?![.\n])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[a-z]).*$/.test(value);
}, "password is not complex, see requirements above");


aioobe was close replace \W with [\W_]

Just so you know this considers a space a special character.

Also I don't see where you are checking for numbers. EDIT: nevermind I found it. (man complex regexes are like a wheres waldo.)

Here is a simplifed version that does not allow spaces (and it is easyier to maintain)

^          ^          ^          ^            ^
|          |          |          |            L--does not contain a whitespace
|          |          |          L--at least one non word character(a-zA-Z0-9_) or _ or 0-9
|          |          L--at least one upper case letter
|          L--at least one lowercase Letter
L--Number of charaters

These are your building blocks

(?=.*[a-z]) // Whatever is inside the [] meens the string contains at least one charter inside that set.
            // If you wanted a minimum of three lowercase letters you can chain the inner block like so 

Any particular reason you want to do all of this in one regex? Seems to me this would be a lot more readable if you just broke it down:

 if (password.length() < 8) return "Password too short!";
 if (!password.matches("\d")) return "Password must contain at least one digit!";
 if (!password.matches("[A-Z]")) return "Password must contain at least one uppercase leter!";
 if (!password.matches("[a-z]")) return "Password must contain at least one lowercase leter!";

 // Password is valid, save it, etc.

I suppose your \W denotes a special character (It's usually defined as "A non-word character")

So, if you would like to add _ to that set of characters, you should be able to write [\W_].

(Updated according to Scott Chamberlains comment.)

I'm not sure why you have (?![.\n]). Do you want to prevent newlines in the password?

Otherwise, this looks like a simplified regexp:

String regexp = "(?=^.{8,}$)(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[\\W_\\d]).*$";
for (String s : new String[] {
        "abC1e_gh"}) {

    System.out.println(s + " is " + (s.matches(regexp) ? "ok" : "not ok"));



abcdefg is not ok
abcdefgh is not ok
abCdefgh is not ok
abc1efgh is not ok
abC1efgh is ok
abC1e@gh is ok
abC1e_gh is ok

Do you consider this an acceptable password?

Aa8 ½ý_

Because your regex matches it. You might want to change that first lookahead from (?=^.{8,}$) to (?=^[!-~]{8,}$), limiting the possibilities to printing ASCII characters (i.e., not whitespace or control characters). If you want to allow non-ASCII characters it gets a lot more complicated; JavaScript regexes don't do Unicode very well.

Here's how I would write the regex:


Like Scott, I don't see the point of this bit: (?![.\n]). All it does is make sure the first character is not a period or a linefeed. That can't be what you (or the original author) meant, but I can't even guess what the actual intent was.

For future searchers, here's my implementation that includes requiring a special character AND a digit:


Heres an example





验证码 换一张
取 消

