Can't change input language of RichTextBox (WPF)
I'm trying to add to my RichEditBox'd tool bar a button to switch languages, like in MS Word. I can't seems to make this work. When I use the keyboard (alt+shift) I can switch between Hebrew and English without any problem, but the code below (and many other options I tried) is not working. The last commented line didn't work either. Just to be clear, there are no except开发者_开发百科ions and nothing fails. The selected text in the RichTextBox changes the flow direction to RTL - but the language remains English. Any idea?
Thanks, Yariv
Edited: I have found a similar issue HERE and it seems like the author have found a solution to his problem, but I don't understand the solution...
private void OnChangeLanguage(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
RichTextBox textBox = GetTemplateChild("innerRTB") as RichTextBox;
if (textBox == null)
string langString = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.IetfLanguageTag;
XmlLanguage newXmlLanguage = XmlLanguage.GetLanguage(langString);
TextRange selectionRange = new TextRange(textBox.Selection.Start, textBox.Selection.End);
selectionRange.ApplyPropertyValue(FlowDocument.FlowDirectionProperty, FlowDirection.RightToLeft);
selectionRange.ApplyPropertyValue(FlowDocument.LanguageProperty, "he-il");
// selectionRange.ApplyPropertyValue(FlowDocument.LanguageProperty, newXmlLanguage);