
client-side values of dynamic control on postback

My custom control contains a repeater that adds a dynamic control into a placeholder on ItemDatabound.

I'm having an issue accessing the updated value of the dynamic control, I am already taking care of rebuilding the dynamic controls on Load but I first need to get to the changes made by the user. I'm just having some trouble understa开发者_JAVA技巧nding where in the Lifecycle is the best place to have access to the updated dynamic control value.

        <Label /><PlaceHolder />

If anyone who stumbles across this page this is the website that got me on the right track: http://www.learning2code.net/Learn/2009/8/12/Adding-Controls-to-an-ASPNET-form-Dynamically.aspx

In my case the control I was putting inside my placeholder was also dynamic (data-driven) based on a enum type which determined if a CheckBox, ListBox, Textbox, RadDatePicker, ect. would be inserted in the placeholder.

Since I had a repeater with multiple placeholders instead of just one placeholder containing all of my dynamic controls like the link provided, I implemented my solution as follows.

On the method that adds your dynamic controls to the placeholder (ItemDataBound):  
1. Give the dynamic control a unique ID (string)  
2. Add the unique ID & enum type to the Dictionary<enum, string> that will be stored in the ViewState  

Override the LoadViewState method as follows (this will load your Dictionary<enum, string> array):  
    protected override void LoadViewState(object savedState)

Override the OnLoad method to add the dynamic controls that were cleared on postback:
    protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)

        if (IsPostBack)

    private void AddDynamicControlsToPlaceholder()
        foreach (RepeaterItem item in reapeater.Items)
            if (item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem)
                var keyValue = DynamicDictValues.ElementAt(item.ItemIndex);
                var plhDynControl = item.FindControl("plhDynControl") as PlaceHolder;
                //CreateDynamicControl method uses the key to build a specific typeof control  
                //and the value is assigned to the controls ID property.
                var dynamicControl = CreateDynamicControl(keyValue);

You still have to implement the code that loops through the repeater and pulls the updated client-side values from the dynamic controls. I hope this helps, it really took a lot of work getting this one solved.





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