
How to change database connection on the fly for PhpUnit tests

I am working on a Magento 1.4.1 project, and I want to use PhpUnit to test my models.

I am able to run my PhpUnit test using the default connection, but I want to use a different database connection than the one I use to test the interface.

What I would like to know (if its possible):

  1. Is there a way to select a different connection for my models before I run all my tests;
  2. Can I just add a connection in my local.xml like this:


    if yes,开发者_StackOverflow中文版 how do I access it.


Maybe there is another solution, but I found out that we can change the "etc_dir" when we lauch the application.

  1. I copied the "app/etc/local.xml" and "app/etc/config.xml" to a newly created folder "tests/etc/";
  2. I changed this database configuration to what I needed;
  3. I made a symbolic link in "tests/etc/" to point to "app/etc/modules" (A copy is not recommended);
  4. Finally I passed the defaults parameters and the "etc_dir" to the "Mage::app()" method in a file "tests/helper.php" that is executed to setup my tests (include path, white list for code coverage).

It looked like this.

Before "tests/helper.php"

// Start Magento application

After "tests/helper.php"

// Start Magento application
Mage::app('default', 'store', '/path/to/test/etc');

My app folder

How to change database connection on the fly for PhpUnit tests

My test folder

How to change database connection on the fly for PhpUnit tests

Hope this could help someone.

You can just create your own local.xml, for example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

And apply it in you testCase setUp method with:

$test_config = new Mage_Core_Model_Config('test/local.xml');




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