How do I change the background of an A-element with jQuery?
I have the following html markup:
<table class="rwTitlebarControls" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="left">
<td style="width: 16px;">
<a class="rwIcon" style="background: transparent url(Images/ic_icon_16.png) no-repeat scroll 0px 0px; -moz-background-clip: border; -moz-background-origin: padding; -moz-background-inline-policy: continuous;"/>
<em unselectable="on">Title</em>
<td nowrap="" style="white-space: nowrap;">
I want to change the image url of the <a>-element with the class rwIcon using jQuery, but I can't seem to find the .rwIcon.
I can find the containing table without problem using:
but both the following selections fail to return the element I need
What am I doing wrong?
NOTE: This HTML is auto-generated by Telerik's RadComponents and is not something I can change or control, so please just try to answer the question and refrain from commenting on the quality of the markup. Thanks!
This does work:
But the a tag with that class is empty (i.e. it has no content)
This works:
<a class="rwIcon" style="background: transparent url(Images/ic_icon_16.png) no-repeat scroll 0px 0px; -moz-background-clip: border; -moz-background-origin: padding; -moz-background-inline-policy: continuous;">SOME CONTENT</a>
With this script:
Turns out I hade the correct element, I just didn't identify it as such. The following script changes the background image of the a-tag:
function ChangeWindowIcon(icon) {
icon = 'url(Images/ic_' + icon + '_16.png)';
$('a.rwIcon').css({ 'background-image': icon });