
Visual Studio 2010 closing a tab takes 8 seconds?

Anybody else's VS2010 is extremely slow when closing code editor tabs?

Opening a .cs file is instantaneous but closing a tab takes ~8 seconds. I have uninstalled Power Commands and the Productivity Power Tools, the only other installed extensions are ReSharper (disabling it did not help) and the Color Theme Editor. I do have the UI Automation Performance Fix installed.

I tried most suggestions from Visual Studio Optimizations question; made sure the settings are saved locally; disabled the outlining mode; disabled the Anti-Virus -- nothing helps.

Googling only finds generic "VS2010 is a pig" complaints back from the Beta1 times. I even tried installing a few recent hot-fixes from https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/Downloads (KB2201993, KB2123002, KB2106584, KB981107, B2268081) but nothing seems to help.

Any ideas anybody?


Another clue: it only seems to happen for some solutions but not for oth开发者_StackOverflow社区ers! Why would it be solution-specific?!!

Deleting .suo file helped!

Similar case was reported here but it involved a huge .suo file while mine was <1Mb

Another mention of similar problem can be found here in their case it was the debugger that was impacted.

Thanks to Sysinternals ProcessMonitor for the clue!

I know you already tried disabling antivirus, but I wanted to post what worked for me. We're inflicted with Symantec Endpoint Protection where I work and I fixed the problem by excluding the solution's folder(s) from auto-protect. Closing file tabs in VS2010 used to take several seconds, now it's nearly instantaneous.

Here's how: Under your Symantec's Antivirus and Antispyware Protection -> Options -> Change Settings -> (tab) File System Auto-Protect -> Centralized Exceptions -> Add...[your folder(s)].

After half a year suffering, I just discovered that adding the project's folder to Security Essentials' excluded files & folders list clears this problem for me. Removing the exclusion brings the problem back.

I was having this same issue. used procmon to find that visual studio was slamming my solution's .suo file. I deleted that file and immediately my file closings are immediate. no more 60 second closing all files!!! Man, MS needs to fix that problem, It's very bad.





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