
Simple Yet Compelling Macro Examples which are Not Already in Clojure

I'm trying to write a macro tutorial, and now I need some examples which are simple to understand, and yet compelling.

The problem is that a lot of the obvious things are already in clojure and contrib. And I feel that "look, we can reimplement all the library functions" might not be the best argument for why macros are so great.

Has anyone got any cute (one-liners are best) examples that they wouldn't mind me using?

Here are the first three parts of the tutorial. It's a bit ropy at the moment, so any comments about how it could be made better would be gratefully received.




I'm working on some cryptography software in clojure. Its really fun and using unit testing makes it more fun because I don't get nervous about breaking things. The trouble is that all the crypto functions generate different results every time because they are driven by a fairly good IMHO psudo random number generator.

How do I test randomized functions?

with a bind macro of course!

(defmacro with-fake-prng [ & exprs ]
  "replaces the prng with one that produces consisten results"
  `(binding [com.cryptovide.split/get-prng (fn [] (cycle [1 2 3]))
             com.cryptovide.modmath/mody 719
             com.cryptovide.modmath/field-size 10]

then I wrap my test functions in (with-fake-prng (deftest mytest ....))

clojure has a lot of these "bind macroes". like with-out-string and such.

I also have a macro that loads every namespace into the repl. (I dont use this much now that I have switched to cake)

(defmacro load-all []

ps: always mind the first rule of macro club

I would talk more about patterns: when and how is a macro used. eg...

  • Protecting a resource. Examples: binding, with-open, ...
    (let [~x (get-resource)] (try ~@dostuff (finally (release-resource ~x))))
  • Defining things. Examples: defn, defsnippet (enlive), defservice (ring)
  • Macro/driver split. Especially this technique takes away a lot of macro pain. Like multiple evaluation or capture. Example: with-bindings
  • Beautifying ugly code. eg. when Taming multi-dim arrays




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