
Storing an arbitrary action to be executed upon completion of an action

The flow for my application, for non-logined users, looks like this:

1) non-logined user does a given action that requires login (arbitrary)
2) dialog appears for non-logined user and he logins without any refreshing of the page
3) collecting of additional information if it is new user
3) the given action should be executed 

How can i do so? I believe it can be done with care开发者_StackOverflow中文版fully structured callbacks. Part of the tricky part is that there are a range of potential actions

Store the action as a callback in a variable:

var callback = function() { alert ("You are logged in."); };

When a non-logged user attempts to execute this action, by clicking a button, or whatever, your application should pass the callback as an argument to the log-in function like this:


... where callback is what will be executed on a succesful login. Putting it all together:

    var callback = function() { alert ("You are logged in."); };
    if (loggedIn)

Just be sure you do some kind of server side validation, as my example is simplistic and easily hacked.

Try looking at the taconite plugin for jQuery. There was a thread on this and Ruby, but it seems to have disappeared except from Google's cache.

You've tagged ruby-on-rails, so I guess this is going to be a rails app. Are you planning on implementing your own authentication and login system or are you going to use a gem/plugin. I ask because I wouldn't have thought the range of actions would be the tricky part if the actions were all defined in the/a controller. For example with devise adding:

before_filter :authenticate_user!

in the controller would ensure that all the actions would require a login. This can be refined further using :except like

before_filter :authenticate_user!, :except => [:index, :show]

With that in mind we only really need to think about the ajax parts. You could perhaps achieve this using js.erb templates and using respond_to in the method, for example

def log_in
   respond_to do |f|
     # gracefully fallback!
     f.html { redirect_to new_user_session_path }
     # or do something snazy..

The hard part might actually be getting the ajax log in part working, but hopefully what I've said might help the thought process.

Ryan Bates has done a good screencast on jQuery with Rails but I can't post the link...





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