Java Error When attempting to use the return from a method as an item in an if statement
I keep getting the following errors: Cannot find symbol Variable find
cannot find symbol method getdata(int)
I am sure I am making this way more difficult than it is, but I am not sure how make this work so that the return from searching through the array, can be seen and evaluated by the if statement.
//assigns manager identification
manID = keyboard.nextInt();
//Fibonacci binary array for passwords
int[] passWArray = {00000000,00000001,00000001,00000010,00000011,00000101,00001000,00001101};
//item = find.getdata(manID);
if (getdata(manID) != -1)
//Do work here
dblPayRate = 10.85;
dblGrossPay = (intHours * dblPayRate) + (15.00);
dblTaxes = dblGrossPay * 0.19;
dblGrossPay -= dblTaxes;
//Print information to user
System.out.print("\n\n$" + df2.format(dblTaxes) +
" was withheld from this paycheck in taxes after working "+ intHours + " hours.\n\n");
System.out.print("The amount \"Employer Here\" owes you is $" + df2.format(dblGrossPay) + "\n");
// Dialog box for incorrect password
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Invalid Entry! Contact the BOFH!");
//exits program (Note: needed for any JOptionPane programs)
}// end of long if statement for >50 hours
}//end of main method
public int find(int[] passWArray, int manID)
//search for manID in passWArray array
for (int index = 0; index < passWArray.length; index++)
if ( passWArray[index] == manID )
return manID;
//-1 indicates the value was not found
return -1;
}// end of find method
if (getdata(manID) != -1)
if (find(passWArray , manID) != -1)
BTW those numbers don't magically become binary because they only contain 0's and 1's. Here's a hint:
int thirteen = Integer.parseInt("00001101", 2)
EDIT: in response to your next error
For now make the method static:
public static int find(int[] passWArray, int manID)
Eventually you might want to think about your 'Object-Oriented design' and just use the main() method as an entry point. Within main you create an instance of a class and let it do its work. In this way you can use the powers of O-O like encapsulation and inheritance and don't have to make everything static.
EDIT2: Afterthought
Your program seems to have the following 'actions':
- user interaction
- authentication
- calculation
And there seem to be the following 'things' in your domain:
- user
- password
- keyboard
- display (command line and screen)
- calculation
A good rule of thumb for an O-O design is to convert some of the 'things' and 'actions' already present in your domain into classes. A good class has a single responsibility and shares as little as possible of its data and methods with other classes (this is called information hiding).
Here's a class diagram that comes to mind:
- User (represents a user, contains a single field 'password')
- Authenticator (authenticates a user, contains the list of allowed passwords)
- Console (all user interaction, either use System.out/in or Swing, but don't mix them)
- Calculator (it calculates shit)