
How do I allow the user to select an existing IIS website to install to using WiX?

Does anyone know of a complete, downloadable/copyable example of a WiX installer that allows the user to select an existing website when installing a web application?

I'm trying to get this working and, after seeing that it开发者_StackOverflow seems to be a significant piece of work, I'd like to get an example running first so that I have a working project to base my own work on.

I found this (code is pasted as images) and this (can't get it running).

Just to confirm... Is it really as much work as the sites above suggest to allow a user to select the site to install to? Am I missing a trick?

I found this blog post that does the custom action in C# and has a complete downloadable sample. Pretty easy to follow.

Yes, that would be quite a bit of work to do it in WiX. I don't typically give a user this much choice. You might just want to do it as an after install configuration step if it's important to you.





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