List the files and folder on a remote web sever (http)
I would like to list files on remote sever (HTTP). Please, advice me on poss开发者_JAVA技巧ible options for a console application.
You can use the WebClient
class to call your server, read the file/directory lists and navigate through the directories recursively.
Here is the basic use of WebClient:
WebClient client = new WebClient ();
Stream data = client.OpenRead ("");
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(data);
string s = reader.ReadToEnd ();
// At this point, the variable s contains the returned webpage
Another option, which may be more suitable, it to use the HTML Agility Pack - you can use the WebHtml
object to retrieve HTML directly from the web and then query it using XPath
If your http serer use webdav it is simple to do. Here some example code: Beware that you have to include a reference in your project to MSXML2 Com object
public static void PrintDirectoryContents(string url, bool deep) {
var xmlHttp_ = new XMLHTTP();
// Build the query.
string requestString =
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>" +
"<a:propfind xmlns:a=\"DAV:\">" +
"<a:prop>" +
"<a:displayname/>" +
"<a:iscollection/>" +
"<a:getlastmodified/>" +
"</a:prop>" +
// Open a connection to the server."PROPFIND", url, false, "youruser", "yourpassword");
// Send the request.
xmlHttp_.setRequestHeader("PROPFIND", requestString);
// Get the response.
string folderList = xmlHttp_.responseText;
// Parse the folder list.
XmlDocument XmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
var xml = folderList;
//HERE you can read the xmldocument for the
//properties of the files you need
Vbscript list webdav folder (only files, non-recursievly)
Const UploadUser = "loginForWebDav" 'логин для WEBDAV
Const UploadPass = "passwordForWebDav" 'пароль для WEBDAV
strURL = ""
iterate2ndArray(webDavListOnlyFiles(strURL)) 'return 2D-array 1st array is index, second file name, Date
function webDavListOnlyFiles(strURL) 'with trailing slash 'return obj or array?
Set XMLreq = createobject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0")
sSourceURL = backslash2slash(strURL) "PROPFIND", sSourceURL, False, "UploadUser", "UploadPass"
XMLreq.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml"
XMLreq.setRequestHeader "Depth", 1 'цифру указывать в кавычказ или нет? - пофиг
'XMLreq.setRequestHeader "Translate", "f"
'XMLreq.setRequestHeader "Brief", "t" 'The default setting is "f".
'XMLreq.send "<?xml version='1.0'?><d:propfind xmlns:d='DAV:'><d:allprop/></d:propfind>"
XMLreq.send "<?xml version='1.0'?><d:propfind xmlns:d='DAV:'><d:prop><d:resourcetype><d:collection/></d:resourcetype><d:creationdate/></d:prop></d:propfind>"
'WriteTextFilesStandalone XMLreq.responseText, "C:\shkur\tmpCopy\xml.xml"
'MsgBox XMLreq.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("D:status").nextNode.Text 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK 'ничего не возвращает если ответ 404
Set objNodeList1 = XMLreq.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("D:href")
Set objNodeList2 = XMLreq.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("lp1:creationdate")
dim arr1st()
'dim arr2nd() ' несоответствие типа
''Set arr1st = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For i = 0 TO (objNodeList1.length -1)
''Set arr2nd = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set objNode1 = objNodeList1.nextNode
set objNode2 = objNodeList2.nextNode
If (Right(objNode1.text,1)) <> "/" Then 'trailing slash = folder
flnm = (mid(objNode1.text,(InStrRev(objNode1.text,"/"))+1))
creationdate = CDate(Replace(Replace(objNode2.text,"T"," "),"Z"," "))
'msg = msg & x & ". " & flnm & " "& objNode2.text &" "& Vbcrlf
''arr2nd.Add "flnm", flnm
''arr2nd.Add "creationdate", objNode2.text
arr2nd = array(flnm, creationdate)
ReDim Preserve arr1st(x)
''arr1st.Add x, arr2nd
End If
Set arr2nd = Nothing
'MsgBox msg
Set XMLreq = Nothing
webDavListOnlyFiles = arr1st
'msgbox isarray(arr1st)
'msgbox isarray(arr1st(0))
'Set arr1st = Nothing 'несоответствие типа...
End Function
function backslash2slash(strUrl)
'поменять бекслеши на слеши и добавить слеш вконце
'msgbox backslash2slash("https://www.w3school///\\\\\vbscript/func_instr.asp")
leftSide = (Left(strUrl,(InStr(strUrl,"://"))+2))
rightSide = (Right(strUrl,(Len(strUrl)-InStr(strUrl,"://")-2)))
rightSide = Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(rightSide,"\","/"),"///","/"),"//","/"),"//","/")
concat = leftSide&rightSide
If (Right(concat,1)) <> "/" Then
backslash2slash = concat & "/"
backslash2slash = concat
End If
End function
function iterate2ndArray(a)
if isArray(a) = false then
msgbox "это не массив"
msg = "begin:"&vbcrlf
for each x in a
'msg = msg & "1st array:"& x
for each xx in x
msg = msg & " " & xx
'msgbox xx
msg = msg & vbcrlf
msgbox msg
end if
End Function