
id() in XPATH with .NET

I'm trying to query XML through XPATH but is having problem getting id() to work. I would like to get all the authors for a book, specifying the book ID.

Here's the XML.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<bookstore xmlns="http://litemedia.se/BookStore.xsd">
  <book id="ISBN9789170375033">
    <title>I väntan på talibanerna</title>
    <author-ref id="A1" />

  <book id="ISBN9789170372063">
    <title>Sista resan till Phnom Penh</title>
    <author-ref id="A1" />

  <book id="ISBN9789127121867">
    <title>V开发者_如何学Cårt bröllop : Kronprinsessan Victoria och Prins Daniel 19 juni 2010</title>
    <author-ref id="A2 A3" />    

  <book id="ISBN9789189204966">
    <title>Människa, människa</title>
    <author-ref id="A3" />

  <author id="A1">
    <name>Jesper Huor</name>
  <author id="A2">
    <name>Susanna Popova</name>
  <author id="A3">
    <name>Paul Hansen</name>

And this is my schema.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xs:schema id="BookStore"
  <xs:element name="bookstore">
    <xs:complexType mixed="true">
        <xs:element name="book" maxOccurs="unbounded">
              <xs:element name="title" type="xs:string" />
              <xs:element name="cover" type="xs:anyURI" />
              <xs:element name="author-ref">
                  <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:IDREFS"/>

            <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID" />

        <xs:element name="author" maxOccurs="unbounded">
              <xs:element name="name" type="xs:string" />

            <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID" />

This is my code.

public IList<Author> GetAuthorsForBook(string isbn)
    using (var xmlStream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(XmlDataSourcePath))
    using (var xsdStream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(XsdDataSourcePath))
        var doc = new XmlDocument();

        // Load schema
        var schema = XmlSchema.Read(xsdStream, SchemaEvents);

        // Load document

        // Load default namespace: bs
        var nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable);
        nsmgr.AddNamespace("bs", "http://litemedia.se/BookStore.xsd");

        // We should be able to do this
        // var path = string.Format("id(id('{0}')/bs:author-ref/@id)", isbn);

        // but this will have to do
        var path = string.Format("/bs:bookstore/bs:author/@id[contains(/bs:bookstore/bs:book[@id='{0}']/bs:author-ref/@id,.)]", isbn);

        return doc.SelectNodes(path, nsmgr).Cast<XmlNode>()
            .Select(node =>
            new Author
                Name = node.FirstChild.Value

Since I've specified bookId and authorId as ID type in the schema I would like to be able to do the following.

var path = string.Format("id(id('{0}')/bs:author-ref/@id)", isbn);

This query always returns 0 elements. If I reduce it to id('ISBN9789127121867') that will also return 0 result, which indicates that id() doesn't work in my scenario. :(

At the moment I'm going for the following query, even if it's not as efficient as using id() would be, it does give me the results I need.

var path = string.Format("/bs:bookstore/bs:author/@id[contains(/bs:bookstore/bs:book[@id='{0}']/bs:author-ref/@id,.)]", isbn);

Have you ever had a similiar problem or any clue to what I might have done wrong? Thank you!

Mikael Lundin

As explained in my comment, schema defined ids don't matter to XPath 1.0. To give you an example how it works with a schema aware XPath 2.0 implementation, here is some code using the XQSharp extension methods on XmlNodes:

    XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
    XmlReaderSettings xrs = new XmlReaderSettings()
        ValidationType = ValidationType.Schema
    xrs.Schemas.Add(null, "schema.xsd");
    using (XmlReader xr = XmlReader.Create("input.xml", xrs))

    string isbn = "ISBN9789127121867";

    XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable);
    nsmgr.AddNamespace("bs", "http://litemedia.se/BookStore.xsd");

    string path = string.Format("id(id('{0}')/bs:author-ref/@id)", isbn);
    foreach (XmlElement author in doc.XPathSelectNodes(path, nsmgr))

When I run that in a project where I have added references to XQSharp and XQSharp.ExtensionMethods and have added a using XQSharp.ExtensionMethods; it outputs the two author elements as e.g.

<author id="A2" xmlns="http://litemedia.se/BookStore.xsd"><name>Susanna Popova</name></author>
<author id="A3" xmlns="http://litemedia.se/BookStore.xsd"><name>Paul Hansen</name></author>

AFAIK the XPath id() function is not implemented in XslCompiledTransform.

For example:

XSLT stylesheet:

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
 <xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes" indent="yes"/>

 <xsl:template match="/">
  <xsl:copy-of select="id('a22')"/>

Source XML document:

<!DOCTYPE test [
  <!ELEMENT test (x+)>
  <!ELEMENT x (x+| y+)>
     a ID #REQUIRED>
    <x a="a11">
      <x a="a21">
        <x a="a31">
    <x a="a12">
      <x a="a22">
    <x a="a13">
    <x a="a14">

Results with MSXML3/4:

<x a="a22">

Result with XslCompiledTransform or with XslTransform:


Iirc (from long back) the id handling works for xdr but not xsd.

Maybe just use //*[@id='foo']





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