Write into db with form_for and method defined in model
I want to implement a like-counter on an object. Everytime the 'I like' Button gets clicked I want to update the database-field of the object.
In the controllers show-view I placed following form:
<% form_for(@book) do |f| %>
<% @book.update_like(@book)%>
<%= f.submit "I like" %>
<% end %>
The update_like method is called in the book.rb model and looks like this:
def update_like(in_book)
in_book.like_tag = in_book.like_tag + 1;
The update_like methode is called, but the database is not update. I do not grasp what's开发者_如何学C going wrong. Any help is much appreciated.
you don't know the concept of ruby on rails ;)
You can't do it this way, you have to call a controller method to update the database record.
What you're looking for is link_to_remote (this will not work with Rails 3!!)
Have a look at: http://apidock.com/rails/ActionView/Helpers/PrototypeHelper/link_to_remote
So you create a controller let's say "CommentsController" and add an action like "like_it"
Then everything could look like:
class CommentsController < ApplicationController
def like_it
@book = Book.find(params[:id])
render :nothing => true
class Book < ActiveRecord::Base
def update_like
self.like_tag += 1
In your view:
link_to_remote "I like it!!", :url => { :controller => 'comments', :action => 'like_it', :id => placeCommentIDHere }, :complete => 'alert('You liked it!!');'
I looked at your profile and saw that you're from Switzerland too! Maybe you speak German, if you do so you should read this book (it's free!): http://openbook.galileocomputing.de/ruby_on_rails/
PS: link_to_remote is no longer supported in Rails 3.0 !!
Simon ;)
You need save your object
def update_like(in_book)
in_book.like_tag = in_book.like_tag + 1
But the better pratice is do that in your controller.