
Refreshing the main page after closing a modal window

On a given webpage I have a link开发者_Python百科 that opens a modal window using Thickbox. In that window I have a form which I use to save some data. After I submit the form, I close the modal window. Now my question is: can I refresh the main page after closing the modal window?

Thank you.

Call this after the form is submitted and before the window is closed:


Suppose this is the div you show in modal mode. You have to call tb_remove() to close the modal window. So just use location.reload(); before that call.

<div id="modalContent" style="display:none">
  <p style="text-align:center">
    <input type="submit" id="Login"value="Click to close"
      onclick="window.opener.location.reload();tb_remove()" />

Actually Thickbox is no longer being maintained, so it might be better to use a different modal window. That being said, I know Facebox allows you to bind box open and close events like this:

$(document).bind('close.facebox', function() {
 // do something here

If using facebox simply add window.location.reload(); around line 148, so you end up with something like... close: function() { $(document).trigger('close.facebox'); window.location.reload(); return false }

If still using Thickbox I'm sure it's just as easy. Do a search for "close" and add the code.

You can do this easily with the tinybox plugin:


var parentWindow = window;
$('#submit-deed-button').click(function() { 
    TINY.box.show({iframe:'submit_deed.html', closejs:function(){parentWindow.location.reload()}, post:'id=16',width:385,height:470,opacity:20,topsplit:3, boxid:'tinybox_container'}) 

The key is to pass in the parent window to the function as a JS var then you call location.reload() on that object





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