
Image processing in languages other than c and matlab

It seems like most image processing apps are done using matlab or OpenCV u开发者_开发百科sing C++. Are there any other languages providing good image processing libraries?? How do they compare to matlab and opencv?

When I say languages I mean something like Java , python or even perl!

Image libraries exist for many languages

  • Lisp:
    ch-image http://cyrusharmon.org/static/projects/ch-image/doc/ch-image.xhtml
  • Java:
    ImageJ http://rsbweb.nih.gov/ij/
    OpenCV Java http://ubaa.net/shared/processing/opencv/
  • Python:
    Python Imaging Library http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/
  • ImageMagick offers binding for a large variety of languages: Ada C, Ch, COM+, C++, Java, Lisp, Pascal, Php, Perl, Ruby ...

But the main point is that image processing requires very good performance. A typical image contains millions of points to process. The efficiency issue is even more critical for 3d images, which are very common in medical imaging.
In practice, the main image processing libraries are written in C++ or have binding to C++. You can take a look at this one Milena (offering python bindings). And here is a non exhaustive list of image processing libraries in C++ (each offering various binding for different languages or web services)

For python:
PIL - Image Library

You can use Boost GIL(generic image library) for C++.


The Python Imaging Library is a very useful low-level library. You won't get C++-like performance with an interpreted language, but if that's not important, you should look at it.

Just about any language does. Google can help you here. Type in (language) image processing to see what libraries are available for whichever languages you're looking at. ImageMagick is one of the older and more well-known libraries that is usable from several different languages.





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