How reliable are modern databases in the presence of disk errors? [closed]
InterBase had an architecture that caused disk-writes to leave the database in an always-consistent state -- 97 things every software architect should know, p87
Is this property finally common in 2010 ?
Is there a study about database stability/reliability in presence of disk errors ?
The most reliable database is, without a doubt DB2. But not that toy LUW thing you run under UNIX and Windows.
I'm talking about the big grunter, DB2/z, the one that runs on the mainframe.
Quake in terror, all you puny, non-mainframe, database wannabes :-)
By the way, the reason it's so reliable is the underlying hardware. Non-mainframe platforms can only dream of the sorts of redundancy levels and self-checking that goes on in the System z boxes.
Interbase is still alive and Interbase free fork is Firebird