Grails Mail plugin not working
I am trying to send mails from a Grails application, but without any success.
I've used gmail and other smtp server (without ssl!) but the same error occurs:
org.springframework.mail.MailSendException: Mail server connection failed; nested exception is javax.mail.MessagingException: Exception reading response; nested exception is: Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection?. Failed messages: javax.mail.MessagingException: Exception reading response; nested exception is: Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection?; message exceptions (1) are: Failed message 1: javax.mail.MessagingException: Exception reading response; nested exception is: Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection?
I am using in Config.groovy (example for gmail): = "" grails.mail.from = "" grails.mail.port = "465" grails.mail.ssl = "on" grails.mail.username = "" grails.mail.password = "xxx" grails.mail.props = ["mail.smtp.auth": "true", "mail.smtp.socketFactory.port": "465", "mail.smtp.socketFactory.class": "", "mail.smtp.socketFactory.fallback": "false", "mail.smtp.starttls.enable": "true", "mail.debug": "true"]
EDIT: I made a simple app with just the mail plugin and a controller and th开发者_如何学编程e config posted by Javid Jamae works (3rd answer, also I think the other should work).
BUT even if I just copy-paste the same config and the same sending mail code, on my primary project it still gives me the same exception! I think this can be caused by Nimble plugin (Mail plugin was installed by it). My configuration is:
Grails version: 1.3.4 Groovy version: 1.7.4 JVM version: 1.6.0_21 jquery - mail - 0.9 shiro - 1.0.1 nimble - 0.4-SNAPSHOTFINAL EDIT : I resolved the issue: it seems that I have to use the same settings in the Nimble plugin also, in NimbleConfig.groovy -> mail { ... (must have "from = ...") } .
Stupid issue, but waisted a lot of time on it.I'm not using SSL and I have the following defined at the bottom of my Config.groovy (not under the environments section):
grails {
mail {
host = ""
port = 465
username = ""
password = "xxx"
props = ["mail.smtp.auth":"true",
I'm using:
This works for me.
You have enabled SSL:
grails.mail.ssl = "on"
And got exception Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection?.
So disable SSL (my config):
host = ""
port = 465
username = ""
password = "password"
javaMailProperties = ['mail.smtp.auth': 'true',
'mail.smtp.socketFactory.port': '465',
'mail.smtp.socketFactory.class': '',
'mail.smtp.socketFactory.fallback': 'false']
Anyway, if you want to enable SSL - try 587 port.
Also try to set
mail.smtp.starttls.required : 'true'
Because if server not supports secure connection or client doesn't accept server's certificate secure connection will not started and you will got your exception. But after setting starttls.required = true and secure connection is impossible whole connection will fails so you got proper exception message.
P.S. Take a note that SSL and TLS - is different protocols.
I dont have this line in my configuration
"mail.smtp.starttls.enable": "true"
and my connection is working
also the port should not be in quotes
grails.mail.port = 465
I ran into a similar strain of this issue as well, so I'll share my experience. When using the Nimble plugin (which uses the Mail plugin as a dependency), Nimble defines its own mail settings in grails-app/conf/NimbleConfig.groovy
The settings in NimbleConfig.groovy
appear to overwrite those set in Config.groovy
(presumably because NimbleConfig
is executed after Config
The solution here is conditional:
If you're using Nimble, set the mail properties in
; you do not need to set them ingrails-app/conf/Config.groovy
If you're not using Nimble, then just follow the Mail plugin instructions for configuration (or use Javid Jamae's answer)
This seems to be what the OP alluded to in his/her edits, but I just thought I'd confirm the edits with my understanding of what's happening.
For a reference, here are the NimbleConfig.groovy
settings that worked for me:
nimble {
messaging {
mail {
host = ''
port = 465
username = ''
password = '...'
props = [
'mail.smtp.auth': 'true',
'mail.smtp.socketFactory.port': '465',
'mail.smtp.socketFactory.class': '',
'mail.smtp.socketFactory.fallback': 'false'
You can verify your config settings at runtime by checking the mailService.mailSender properties.Something like this:{println} It will yield the host, port, username, password and a few other values. If you're sure they are all correct, I would suspect a firewall issue.