
Silverlight DataForm control with RIA ( i.e. Display(Description=....)]

I want the change the description of the labels on my silverlight dataform which currently show as my table fieldnames (dbEmailAddress).

<StackPanel Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="1">
            <dataFormToolkit:DataForm x:Name="dataForm1"
         开发者_Python百科                             CurrentItem="{Binding SelectedItem, ElementName=dgLeagues}"
                                      Header="Product Details"


I know I can get around this by adding DataFields programmatically in the xaml, but is there away to add the attributes in the RIA class ( in the web application) so it filters through, something like this in the ria domain metadata file.

[Display(Name = "Email Address:", 
Description="We do not sell your information!")]
public string EmailAddress { get; set; }

-would this work?

Also if it would, then would this approach be useless as a recompile of the ria domain service metadata file mean I would loose any changes since its generated?

Thanks, jason

What you have done is actually fine. To avoid redoing it every time you recompile, you can add it to your metadata.

[Display(Name = "Email Address:", 
         Description="We do not sell your information!")]
public string EmailAddress = null;

When you create your DomainService you can add a related metadata class - if you haven't that you can easily create it manually. The metadata class is designed to hold the exact information you describe.

public partial class Customer 
    private static class CustomerMetadata 
        [Display(Name = "Email Address:",
                 Description = "We do not sell your information!")]
        public string EmailAddress = null;

Remember to name the metadata file customer.metadata.cs or whatever your class is called. It's imported to postfix with *.metadata.cs. It's a good idea to put your metadata file in the same folder as your DomainService.





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