
Creating a list of Folders in an ItemGroup using MSBuild

I'm trying to build an ItemGroup in an MSBuild script which contains a list of folders directly below a given 'Root' folder. So - in this example...

+ Root folde开发者_StackOverflow中文版r
---- Sub Folder 1
-------- Sub-Sub Folder 1
-------- Sub-Sub Folder 2
---- Sub Folder 2
---- Sub Folder 3

... I would want my ItemGroup to contain "Sub Folder 1", "Sub Folder 2" and "Sub Folder 3".

There may be a number of files at any point in the hierarchy, but I'm only interested in the folders.

Can anyone help!?

In MSBuild 4.0 this is possible:

  <Folders Include="$([System.IO.Directory]::GetDirectories(&quot;$(RootFolder)&quot;))" />

Property Functions: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd633440.aspx

   <AllFiles Include="$(RootFolder)\**\*"/>
   <OnlyDirs Include="@(AllFiles->'%(Directory)')"/>

@(OnlyDirs) might contain duplicates, so you could either use the RemoveDuplicatesTask :

<Target Name="foo">
   <RemoveDuplicates Inputs="@(OnlyDirs)">
      <Output TaskParameter="Filtered" ItemName="UniqueDirs"/>

or use CreateItem with batching for %(AllFiles.Identity) or with msbuild 3.5:

<Target Name="foo">
      <UniqueDirs Include="%(AllFiles.Directory)"/>

MSBuild 4.0:

    <AllFiles Include="$(RootFolder)\**\*"/>
    <OnlyDirs Include="@(AllFiles->'%(RootDir)%(Directory)'->Distinct())"/>

The MSBuild Extension pack has a task called FindUnder, which returns an itemgroup of files or folders below a certain path. The following task will achieve what you want, returning an itemgroup containing Sub Folder 1, Sub Folder 2, and Sub Folder 3, but not Sub-Sub Folder 1 or Sub-Sub Folder 2:

    <Output ItemName="FoundFolders" TaskParameter="FoundItems" />

This MSDN Forum post has a custom task that deals with the empty directory case (upvoted accepted as its a v useful answer)





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