
Accessing Picasa from Android - Google Data APIs

it seems that I'm not the first one, but I don't find anything that helps. I'm new to Android and would like to develop a real simple photo sharing app (three tabs: camera, gallery and upload to Picasa) to start off. Unfortunately the Google Data APIs for Java, don't run on Android and I didn't find a good tutorial for the newer Google Data API. I also couldn't get the Android Picasa sample to run: Eclipse complains about a buildpath error, but doesn't show what exactly is wrong.

I'm looking for an easy tutor开发者_StackOverflowial how to use Picasa with Android. Anyone has some kind of "middleware classes" between the old and the new API which one can use. How do I fix the buildpatj problem to run the sample or how in general can I import external JARs to my Android project.

Thanks for reporting the problem, Daniel. I actually fixed this bug recently on 9/13/2010. Please try the sample again and let me know if you encounter any problems.





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