
jQuery Datepicker Format Date on Manual Input

I have a jQuery datepicker with format: dd-MM-yyyy.

By default the datepicker converts dates such as 1-2-3 and 1-2-99 to 01-02-2003 and 01-02-1999 respectively. However, this is only the case when you press enter or choose the date from the datepicker. I tried to auto format the field when leaving the field by using:

$j('.datepicker').live('blur', function(){
    $j(this).datepicker('setDate', $j(this).datepicker('getDate'));

In this case I am using the utility function setDate and getDate of the Datepicker itself. This works when you enter the date by using your keyboard and using the TAB-key for example. However, the blur trigger also activates when you try to pick the date with your mouse. Therefore you have to choose the date twice with your mouse, because the first one the blur event sets the old value back.

Is there any event I am missing I can use?


Not v开发者_JAVA技巧ery elegant but it is a partial solution:

var timeout;
$j('#geboortedatum').live('keypress', function() {
    if(timeout) {
        timeout = null;
    timeout = setTimeout(formatDate, 1000);

function formatDate() {
    var gebdat = $j('#geboortedatum').val();
    var dashCount = gebdat.split('-').length - 1;
    if(dashCount == 2 && gebdat.length >= 5) {
        $j('#geboortedatum').datepicker('setDate', $j('#geboortedatum').datepicker('getDate'));

I just use the onClose event within datepicker istelf:

    var $myDate = $('#myDate');
      dateFormat: 'dd-mm-yy',
      onClose: function(dateText, inst) {
          $(this).datepicker('option', 'dateFormat', 'dd-mm-yy');                



You could use the keypress event, but then you'd have to decide how much input constitutes something worth trying to auto-format.

Personally, I prefer to limit the input the textbox accepts. To that end, I'd recommend the jQuery Masked Input plugin.

Hate to revive a dead post, but this was the first search result for "jquery datepicker autoformat"! I didn't find any nice solutions, so this is basically what I did:

    if(e.keyCode != '8'){
        if (e.target.value.length == 2) e.target.value = e.target.value + "/";
        if (e.target.value.length == 5) e.target.value = e.target.value + "/";

All this does is put in the slashes, so a user can quickly type a date. It will also not fight with the delete button. Keep in mind this will only work for US locales, and ignores problems with other things (home key, tab key, etc.).

My solution:

  dateFormat: 'dd-mm-yy',
  onClose: function(dateText, inst) {
    try {
      dateText = dateText.replace(/-(19|20)?/g,'');
      dateText = dateText.replace(/\/(19|20)?/g,'');
      if (dateText) {
        dateText = dateText.substr(0,2)+'-'+dateText.substr(2,2)+'-'+dateText.substr(4,2);
        $(this).datepicker('setDate', dateText);
    } catch (err) {

accepts formats:

dd-mm-yyyy (20th or 21th century)

this last example was almost right, i tweaked it a bit, so it actually sets the date properly and checks for invalid dates.

  changeMonth: true,
  changeYear: true,
  dateFormat: 'dd-MM-yy',
  defaultDate: "1-January-70",
    onClose: function(dateText, inst) {
           try {
               var d = $.datepicker.parseDate('dd-mm-yy', dateText);
             } catch (err) { // what to do if it errors, just set to date 40 years ago
               d=new Date();

Here is a simple solution (see Brad's solution for usage):

// Reformats the input when you leave the field
onClose: function (dateText, inst) {
    // Get current datepicker's options
    var format = $(this).datepicker("option", "dateFormat");
    var settings = $(this).datepicker("option", "settings");
    // Parse input string
    var curDate = $.datepicker.parseDate(format, dateText, settings);
    // If it is indeed a date
    if (typeof curDate !== "undefined") {
        // Update input field with formatted date
        $(this).datepicker("setDate", curDate);

Additionally, if your goal is to allow multiple input date formats, see my answer here on this topic: https://stackoverflow.com/a/53499829/5426777





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