Problem with Persian_CI_AI collation And 'ك' character
I installed sql server 2008 enterprise and created a sample database whit Persian_开发者_StackOverflow社区CI_AI Collation. then from a visual studio 2010 windows application i insert the word "اسكندر" whith two type of 'ك'(arabic & Persian) but in the search time result show me just one 'اسكندر' . Please Help me
you can this procedure in for your problem
''' <summary>
''' این روال در برطرف کردن مشکل جستجوی حروف عربی کاربرد دارد
''' مقدار خروجی حرف ی فارسی را با یاء عربی جایگزین میکند
''' </summary>
''' <param name="strInputValue"></param>
''' <returns></returns>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Public Function Resolve_Arabic_Font_2(ByVal strInputValue As String) As String
Dim strOutPut As String = ""
If strInputValue.Trim <> "" Then
strOutPut = Replace(strInputValue, "ی", Chr(237))
strOutPut = strInputValue
End If
Return strOutPut
End Function
Read the text and then change ك
with ک
also change search text with this method.