
Spring Forms - How to Check for Error on Specific Path

I'm using the Spring Form library to handle a search page in my application. Here is a snipped from my DD showing the bean configuration:

<bean name="/search.html" class="myapp.web.AccountSearchController">
        <property name="sessionForm" value="true"/>
        <property name="commandName" value="searchAccounts"/>
        <property name="commandClass" value="myapp.service.AccountSearch"/>
        <property name="validator">
            <bean class="myapp.service.AccountSearchValidator"/>
        <property name="formView" value="accountSearch"/>
        <property name="successView" value="accountSearch"/>

The validator class is quite simple:

package myapp开发者_高级运维.service;

import org.springframework.validation.Validator;
import org.springframework.validation.Errors;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

public class AccountSearchValidator implements Validator {

    /** Logger for this class and subclasses */
    protected final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());

    public boolean supports(Class clazz) {
        return AccountSearch.class.equals(clazz);

    public void validate(Object obj, Errors errors) {
        AccountSearch accountSearch = (AccountSearch) obj;
        if (accountSearch == null) {
            errors.rejectValue("domainName", "error.accountSearch.neither-specified", null, "Value required.");
        } else if (accountSearch.getAccountId().isEmpty() && 
                   accountSearch.getDomainName().isEmpty() ) {
            errors.rejectValue("domainName", "error.accountSearch.neither-specified", null, "Value required.");

In my JSP, my form is displayed in an HTML table. I want field specific errors to be displayed under the respective field as a separate table row. Here's a snippet:

                <td align="right" valign="top"><form:label path="domainName">Domain Name</form:label>:</td>
                <td><form:input path="domainName" size="30"/></td>
                 <td><form:errors path="domainName" cssClass="error"/></td>

The question I have is - how can I make the output of the error row conditional on the existence of the error? Is the Validator instance accessible from my JSP? What would the test be for a c:if tag?



OK it took me a few days but I figured it out:

    <c:set var="domainNameErrors"><form:errors path="domainName"/></c:set>
    <c:if test="${not empty domainNameErrors}">

This article was very helpful: http://forum.springsource.org/archive/index.php/t-51044.html

Use <spring:hasBindErrors name="loginPasswordForm">

Use <spring:bind path="fieldName"> and check status.error to see if the field has error


<spring:bind path="phoneNumber">
     <form:input path="phoneNumber" />
     <form:errors path="phoneNumber" cssClass="error" />
     ${status.error ? 'has error' : ''}


<form:input path="" /> must be inside <spring:bind > tag

Please check this code segment

<spring:bind path="domainName">
  <c:if test="${status.error}">
      <td><form:errors path="domainName" cssClass="error"/></td>

Actually there is a simple solution. I haven't seen it anywhere but it seems to me that it is the simplest one.

    <td align="right" valign="top"><form:label path="domainName">Domain Name</form:label>:</td>
    <td><form:input path="domainName" size="30"/></td>
<form:errors path="domainName">
    <td><form:errors path="domainName" cssClass="error"/></td>

When the form:errors tag has no body it renders the error with the default mecanism, but when the tag has a body, it just renders the body if there is an error for that path.





验证码 换一张
取 消

