
Syntax Highlighter Around A Div Element

I am using the syntax highlighter plugin and I want to always have it applied to a specific div area. The div's content will change based on a on-click hyperlink. How can I enclose the syntax highlighter script tag around the "mydiv" element at all times?

    function viewCode() {

<a href="#" onClick="viewCode();return true">View Code</a&g开发者_如何学Ct;

<div id="mydiv">
    my div's initial content

<script type="syntaxhighlighter" class="brush: js"><![CDATA[
    //always apply this script to mydiv

With syntaxHighlighter, you cannot highlight arbitrary elements on the page, so we will stick to the script method instead.

First, give the script and anchor tag an id, like

<a href="#" id="show_code">Show Code</a>
<script type="syntaxhighlighter" class="brush: js" id="highlighted"></script>

Then, use this to load the contents when the user clicks on the link

  $.get('euler/_48.py', function(data){
    $('#highlighted').html('<![CDATA[' + data + ']]>');

Remember that the usual method to use syntexhighlighter.js would not work here because the SyntaxHighlighter.all() function only binds the highlight() function to the onload event, so you will have to call that function yourself every time the page updates, by adding a call to the SyntaxHighligher.highlight() function everytime you update the page.

Alternatively, I'd usually recommend the pre method. Its almost the same as above, but we use the pre element instead and use the text() jQuery function to get the escaping done correctly. Using the pre element:

<pre class="brush: js" id="highlighted"></pre>

With this piece of Javascript

$.get('euler/_48.py', function(data){

I think you can call HighlightAll method

Example: dp.SyntaxHighlighter.HighlightAll('code');






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