
Why am I forced to reference types in unused constructors?

Let's say that I have a class (ClassA) containing one method which calls the constructor of another class, like this:

public class ClassA
    public void CallClassBConstructor()
        using(ClassB myB = new ClassB()) {...}

The class ClassB looks like this:

public class ClassB : IDisposable
    public ClassB(){}
    public ClassB(string myString){}
    public ClassB(ClassC myC){}
    public void Dispose() {..开发者_如何学C.}

...and ClassC is even more simple:

public class ClassC{}

If I put these classes in their own assembly and compile the whole solution I don't get any errors. But if I replace the using statement with this:

using(ClassB myB = new ClassB("mystring")){...}

I get a compile error asking me to add a reference to [mynamespace].ClassC in ClassA. Since I'm not calling ClassB(ClassC myC) at all this makes no sense to me - why do I have to include the types of other constructors regardless of whether I use them or not? What if ClassC was included in a licensed or hard-to-aquire assembly? Is this an example of bad design that developers should avoid or am I missing something here?

It has to do with method overload resolution when calling the ClassB constructor.

When you call the constructor with no parameters, there is no contention. There is only one candidate, so it is chosen. It is not necessary for ClassA to reference ClassC in this case.

However, when you call the constructor with one parameter, then at the outset both of the single-parameter constructors are candidates. In order to resolve this call, the compiler needs to know about ClassC. For all you know, ClassC could contain an implicit conversion operator, for example.

(Of course we know that in this particular example such an implicit conversion operator wouldn’t fire anyway because there is a perfect match that takes a string — but the method overload resolution rules are defined this way to make them very well-defined and predictable. Imagine it were designed in such a way that adding a reference could cause your code to suddenly call a different constructor overload.)

To resolve the constructor overloads, the compiler needs to know the types involved. I.e. it needs to know ClassC in order to pick the right constructor overload for ClassB.

It is because ClassC, which you have placed in a separate assembly, is part of the public interface of ClassB since it is a parameter of one of the constructors. You must reference the containing assembly of this type otherwise the compiler has no idea how to resolve the type information. In this specific case the compiler must resolve all parameter types from all constructor overloads so that it can choose the right one, but this is not a member overloading issue per se. This happens anytime the compiler must resolve type information. It can happen on return types as well.





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