
Why is SVN checking out a future revision number? (or is it just reporting so?)

I have checked with NetBeans and RapidSVN. My latest revision is 1000 (for example).

But when I do a svn update in my staging server, after checking out all files, I get the message Checked out revision 1003!! (off by 3).

How can it checkout a revision that is not there yet?! What is going on? Is the reporting wrong or, are both the previously mentioned tools hiding something?

  • Stagin开发者_Go百科g machine - CentOS 5 with SVN client v1.4.2
  • Development machine - Ubuntu 10.04 with NetBeans v6.9.1 and latest RapidSVN
  • Repository machine - CentOS 5 with (no idea about version) SVN server

It's most likely the directory you're currently in, and how you're checking the revision number. Your current directory may have been last modified at R 1000, so that's what it's reporting to you. Somewhere else in your repository, someone else has performed 3 more operations, upping the global revision number to 1003.





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