Insert Date field into DB
I am having a textbox field in my jsp called "req_date". The user is selecting a date from a javascript calendar in the format of "DD-MON-YY" ex. "29-aug-2010".So, now I am stuck while trying to insert it in the DB.
I tried " String queryString = "INSERT INTO Charity (req_date) VALUES开发者_如何学C (?)", but it is not inserting. How do I solve tis out.
The req_date is type of date in the DB.
Can you please help
Date format depends upon Database you use. For reference Date formats with Oracle.
so your query should look like :
String queryString = "INSERT INTO Charity (req_date) VALUES (to_date('29-aug-2010', 'dd-mon-yyyy'))"
This is just to answer your question. But I will prefer usage of PreparedStatement as also suggested in other answers.
Your code using PreparedStatement should look something like following: (NOTE: I have not tested this code )
String formatIn = "dd-MMM-yyyy";
SimpleDateFormat sdfi = new SimpleDateFormat(formatIn);
java.util.Date inDate = sdfi.parse("29-Aug-2010");
java.sql.Date sqlDate = new java.sql.Date(inDate.getTime());
PreparedStatement prest = con
.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO Charity (req_date) VALUES (?)");
prest.setDate(1, sqlDate);
int row = prest.executeUpdate();
Use a PreparedStatement
and its setDate(..)
. Or use a timestamp (long
It depends on your database, PostgreSQL does recognize this format:
SELECT CAST('29-aug-2010' AS date);
In most cases, you'd better use the ISO-format yyyy-mm-dd.