Javascript can't find strings containing square brackets
I'm using this function that helps my webdevelopers to find a piece of code in a webpage:
function findString (str) {
var strFound;
if (strFound && self.getSelection && !self.getSelection().anchorNode ){
if (!strFound) {
while (self.find(str,1,1)) continue
The problem is that when I enter the following string for example:
It can't find it! Which is strange because I tried this function and It can find any other string. So, how can I use this function to find a string containing square brackets (without using regular expressions if it's possible)?
Thank you,
I tried you script and there is a bug in it. If you replace the following
if (strFound && self.getSelection && !self.getSelection().anchorNode )
by the following
if (strFound && self.getSelection && !self.getSelection().anchorNode ) {
it works.
In Firefox and Chrome, strFound is true when the searched string is array[1]. In IE 8, script doesn't work.
EDIT: code I've tested:
$(document).ready(function() {
function findString (str) {
var strFound;
if (strFound && self.getSelection && !self.getSelection().anchorNode ) {
if (!strFound) {
while (self.find(str,1,1)) continue
What object function find is called on? Is that a window? Is yes, that what exactly does the function find
? According to documentation it is:
The find() method displays a find dialog box when invoked. This allows a user to search for a string in the page from which it was invoked.
Does that mean that HTML tokens are not processed and you're exactly looking for HTML token array[1]? Which browsers is the function supported in?
One way to implement server-side search is to read the whole file (assuming you know the location of the file) and do a simple regular expression using string function search