
"Current Type" placeholder in C# generic types?

Basically, what I want to do, is:

public class MySpecialCollection<T>
    where T : ISomething { ... }

public interface ISomething
    public ISomething NextElement 开发者_开发技巧{ get; }
    public ISomething PreviousElement { get; }

public class XSomething : ISomething { ... }

MySpecialCollection<XSomething> coll;
XSomething element = coll.GetElementByShoeSize(39);
XSomething nextElement = element.NextElement; // <-- line of interest

... without having to cast nextElement to XSomething. Any ideas? I would have wanted something in the kind of ...

public interface ISomething
    public SameType NextElement { get; }
    public SameType PreviousElement { get; }

Thank you in advance!

Make the interface generic:

public class MySpecialCollection<T> where T : ISomething<T> {

public interface ISomething<T> {
  T NextElement { get; }
  T PreviousElement { get; }

public class XSomething : ISomething<XSomething> {

Well, you can do it using an implicit operator (though I'm not 100% sure it will work in this case):

public static XSomething operator implicit(ISomething sth)
     return (XSomething)sth;

But note that this is clearly not a very good idea; the cleanest way is to do an explicit cast.

I'd recommend making the interface generic so the types of the properties can be the interface's generic type.

using System;

namespace ConsoleApplication21
    public interface INextPrevious<out TElement>
        TElement NextElement { get; }
        TElement PreviousElement { get; }

    public class XSomething : INextPrevious<XSomething>
        public XSomething NextElement
            get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }

        public XSomething PreviousElement
            get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }

    public class MySpecialCollection<T>
        where T : INextPrevious<T>
        public T GetElementByShoeSize(int shoeSize)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var coll = new MySpecialCollection<XSomething>();
            XSomething element = coll.GetElementByShoeSize(39);
            XSomething nextElement = element.NextElement;




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