Convert a "timestamp with time zone" column field to the current timezone of the server
In Oracle how do I convert a "timestamp with time zone" to the current time zone of the server? I need to dynamically figure out what the current time zo开发者_如何学JAVAne of the server is.
create table test_table1
(rec1 timestamp with time zone)
insert into test_table1(rec1) values (
to_timestamp_tz('1/1/1900 09:00:00 AM US/EASTERN','dd-mm-yyyy hh:mi:ss AM TZR')
FROM test_table1
The example above creates a table with the time zone column. Then I insert a row into the table with the eastern timezone. The select statement doesn't work. What I am trying to achieve is to convert the rec_1 column to the timezone of the server and return that.
You can get the current system timezone [in some format or other] through :
select to_char(systimestamp,'TZD | TZH TZM [ TZR ]'), DBTIMEZONE
from dual;
The following may help with conversion. Not sure whether your session timezone is the same as your database timezone.
SELECT rec1, SYS_EXTRACT_UTC(rec1), cast(rec1 as timestamp with local time zone)
FROM test_table1
when I use systeimestamp I get null
TZD can return null (eg it knows what the offset it, but hasn't got an 'alias' for it). TZR shouldn't. Maybe something like...
SELECT FROM_TZ(TIMESTAMP '2000-03-28 08:00:00', to_char(systimestamp,'TZR'))
Oracle will convert time zones based on Standard and Daylight Saving Time if regions "TZR" are used instead of Hours and minutes "TZH:TZM" offset.
To qualify your region you can use (in 11g not sure of other versions)
The region used must be stored in the DB which you can check by
SELECT * FROM v$timezone_names WHERE tzname LIKE 'US%';
This query can be modified to identify any region.
The Oracle Globalization Support manual is also a good reference.