
Google Analytics-like module for Drupal site behind firewall?

Anyone know how to use Google Analytics for a Drupal-powered company intranet site behind our firewall?


Anyone know of a good analytics-style module for Drupal that can tell us things like visitor browser/versions, OS, monitor size, etc. ? Pretty graphs and charts nice but not required. Or at the least a rec开发者_C百科ipe for rolling our own thru views?

I'll tackle the firewall issue by saying- set up a stats package on an internal web server. There are a few Drupal modules that provide the connective tissue.

Piwik might still be a little raw, but it has good screenshots. It is sort of a self-hosted Google Analytics. FireStats has popped up since I last checked into this. Also available is BAWStats which operates by log analysis.

WebTrends can do that -- but it's not cheap.

Take a look @ mint it may reside with your drupal files ....... it is my alternative for Google Analytics with local intranets.

EDIT : there it's the Mint module. Here is an excerpt from its project page:

Provides basic integration with Mint, a proprietary traffic logging and statistics tool.





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