Cutsom Input for formtastic, what am i doing wrong?
I have made a custom input method for formtastic, it is d开发者_StackOverflowesigned to work with carrierwave and it works great but with one exception, the preview image and other html will not render, as it is being sanitized (i think).
Am i going about this completely the wrong way?
Here is the code:
def carrierwave_input(method, options)
c = basic_input_helper(:file_field, :string, method, options)
c += hidden_input((method.to_s+"_cache").to_sym, {})
if object.send("#{method.to_s}?")
c += %{<img src="#{object.send("#{method.to_s}_url")}">}
c += "<br>"
c += boolean_input(("remove_"+method.to_s).to_sym, {})
return c
calling with:
form.input :thumb, :as => :carrierwave
when rendered the image and
tags can i get round this.
many thanks
Is this on rails 3? If so, try calling "return c.html_safe"