
Force gcc to use one linker over another

Lately I have been working on OS X. Things were going pretty peachy for a while until somehow ld got on my system and now gcc won't use dyld. Furthermore, all of my shared libraries are in *.dylib format, and ld i开发者_如何学JAVAs stubornly ignoring there existance. If I mv ld from PATH, gcc just complains it cant find ld.

Please help me to get gcc back on track and using what it should.

You can try some gcc options. From the man page:

-c  Compile or assemble the source files, but do not link.  The linking
    stage simply is not done.  The ultimate output is in the form of an
    object file for each source file.

You could then link explicitly using whatever linker you want.

Does it help to symlink ld to dyld?

mv /usr/bin/ld /usr/bin/ld.old
ln -s /usr/bin/dyld /usr/bin/ld

Edit: fixed ld params order

This isn't your exact question, but I had a need to switch to ld.gold, and for that, the -fuse-ld=gold option to gcc was very useful.

look at -Xlinker option

I got it from man gcc

you can double check using some verbose options like -v





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