What's the best way to start a background process, that can get accessed later on
I am currently developing a RubyGem that provides an executable. The executable keeps track of the state of some log files using the FSSM gem.
This executable should get started, do something in background, and get stopped later on.
For example:
$ my_executable start
# do something different...
$ my_executable stop
I would first start a new process, that does the file watching stuff, inside the 开发者_高级运维start method. But I don't know how to address this process for stopping it.
What's the best way to provide such a behavior?
pid = Process.fork{exec 'gcalctool'} #don't use 'system' or `executable`
1.upto(10) do |n|
puts "counting #{n}"
sleep 1
Process.kill( 'HUP', pid )
There is daemons library that'll help you daemonizing your ruby script. It's used by mongrel.
Also there are some other useful gems described on ruby-toolbox.