
How to see the full name of a field in TFS

I am trying to setup a config file to work with my TFS F开发者_如何学Goields and I am having problems finding the full name of a field.

For example, In the query view I just see Delivery Order, but I know that it's full name is Conchango.TeamSystem.Scrum.DeliveryOrder.

Anyidea how I can see that value for all the fields on my Work Items?

If you install the TFS Power Tool you will get the process template editor. If you open the Work Item that you want to see the fields for in there you will get a list of all the fields.

How to see the full name of a field in TFS

Figure: Select "Tools | Process Editor | Work Item Types | Open WIT from Server"

How to see the full name of a field in TFS

Figure: Connect to the correct TFS server and select a project

How to see the full name of a field in TFS

Figure: You can see the list of fields

It is worth noting that the Label used on the Work Item Form may be diferent from the actual name of the field.





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