Cut out one SVG <path> out of another one
I have several SVG paths looking like this:
I now want to add another path, but, instead of adding it to the shape, cut it out from the previous paths. How can I accomplish this?
I couldn't find any information on this in the SVG docs - thanks for your help!
To expand on Tobias Snoad's answer, picking up the pen with the Move command and drawing a second shape in the opposite direction (as Brian Hempel pointed out), will remove that section from the original path. This is due to the fill-rule:evenodd
(default) as explained in this answer.
Here's an example that will draw a 10x10 box and then reverse a 6x6 box inside it:
<svg xmlns="http://wwww3org/2000/svg" height="200" viewBox="0,0,10,10">
<path d="M 0,0 h 10 v 10 h -10 z
M 2,2 v 6 h 6 v -6 z" />
Which will produce the second box in the image below, with each point numbered and arrowed so you can see direction:
Here's a running demo is Stack Snippets
svg path.shape {
fill: green;
stroke: #1b1b1b;
stroke-width: .5px;
svg path.arrow {
fill: yellow;
stroke: black;
stroke-width: .1px;
svg text {
font-size: .8px;
font-family: monospace;
stroke: navy;
stroke-width: .1px;
text-anchor: middle;
alignment-baseline: middle;
svg circle {
r: .5;
stroke: navy;
stroke-width: .1px;
fill: yellow;
<svg xmlns="http://wwww3org/2000/svg" height="200" viewBox="-2,-2,14,14">
<marker id='arrow' orient="auto"
refX='-.9' refY='1'
markerWidth='2' markerHeight='2' >
<!-- triangle pointing right (+x) -->
<path d='M 0,0 V 2 L 1,1 Z' class="arrow"/>
<path d="M 0,0 h 10 v 10 h -10 z
M 2,2 h 6 v 6 h -6 z"
marker-mid='url(#arrow)' class="shape" />
<circle cx="0" cy="0" />
<text x="0" y="0" > 1</text>
<circle cx="10" cy="0" />
<text x="10" y="0" > 2</text>
<circle cx="10" cy="10" />
<text x="10" y="10" > 3</text>
<circle cx="0" cy="10" />
<text x="0" y="10" > 4</text>
<circle cx="2" cy="2" />
<text x="2" y="2" > 5</text>
<circle cx="8" cy="2" />
<text x="8" y="2" > 6</text>
<circle cx="8" cy="8" />
<text x="8" y="8" > 7</text>
<circle cx="2" cy="8" />
<text x="2" y="8" > 8</text>
<svg xmlns="http://wwww3org/2000/svg" height="200" viewBox="-2,-2,14,14">
<path d="M 0,0 h 10 v 10 h -10 z
M 2,2 v 6 h 6 v -6 z"
marker-mid='url(#arrow)' class="shape" />
<circle cx="0" cy="0" />
<text x="0" y="0" > 1</text>
<circle cx="10" cy="0" />
<text x="10" y="0" > 2</text>
<circle cx="10" cy="10" />
<text x="10" y="10" > 3</text>
<circle cx="0" cy="10" />
<text x="0" y="10" > 4</text>
<circle cx="2" cy="2" />
<text x="2" y="2" > 5</text>
<circle cx="2" cy="8" />
<text x="2" y="8" > 6</text>
<circle cx="8" cy="8" />
<text x="8" y="8" > 7</text>
<circle cx="8" cy="2" />
<text x="8" y="2" > 8</text>
SVG Path Command Refresher
Two Variations:
M 100,150
Uppercase (Absolute) - Move to exact coordinates100,150
(x,y)m 100,150
Lowercase (Relative) - Move the pen100
down and150
right of where you are
Straight Commands:
M x,y
- Pick the pen up and Move it to the pointx,y
L x,y
- Draw a straight Line to the pointx,y
H x
- Draw a line Horizontally to the right byx
V y
- Draw a line Vertically down byy
- Closes the path by drawing a straight line back to the start (last M location)
is completely optional - it's just a shortcut to get back to the starting point
Curved Commands:
C cX1,cY1 cX2,cY2 eX,eY
- Draw a Bezier Curve based on Two bezier controls point and end at the coordinateseX,eY
S cX2,cY2 eX,eY
- Draw a Simplifed Curve based on the previousS|C
control point and One specified bezier control point and end at the coordinateseX,eY
Q cX2,cY2 eX,eY
- Draw a Quadratic Curve based on One bezier control point and end at the coordinateseX,eY
T eX,eY
- Draw a Terminal Quadratic Curve based on the previous bezier control point and end at the coordinateseX,eY
A rX,rY rotation, arc, sweep, eX,eY
- Draw an Elliptical Arc for an oval with the specified widthrX
and heightrY
. Define therotation
with degrees and direction with 0|1 forarc
and end at the coordinateseX,eY
TIP: In most instances you can simplify the precision of any automatically generated path points without sacrificing any human discernibility, even when scaled heavily. You can do a regex find
and replace with$1
to remove any trailing decimals. You can also format each command on it's own line with find\s*([a-zA-z])\s*
and replace with\n$1
Further Reading:
- MDN - SVG Tutorial Paths
- The SVG
Syntax: An Illustrated Guide - How to place arrow head triangles on SVG lines?
- How To Create SVG Arrowheads and Polymarkers
- SVG center text in circle
You can do it with a single path:
M 0,0 l 0,10 10,0 0,-10 -10,0 z m 2,2 l 6,0 0,6 -6,0 0,-6 z
This will draw a 10x10 square with an 6x6 hole cut out of the middle
SVG does not support boolean operations on paths. You can, however, use one path as a clipping path, which will give you the effect you want.
Vector graphics editors usually provide this for you. In Inkscape select the two paths and then what operation you want to perform on the "Path" menu. Illustrator has the same functionality too.