Wanted: Directions/ideas for a custom tree-to-tree drag'n'drop implementation in ExtJS
I need some combined functionality regarding drag'n'drop between two trees in ExtJS.
The first required feature is very simple and is just the builtin drag'n'drop features isolated to a single tree only.
The second required feature is that I wan't the user to be able to drag a node from the left tree and drop it at any node in the right tree.
The action should not remove the node from the 开发者_开发百科left tree, thus creating the possibility of dragging the same node from the left tree to multiple places in the right tree.
My question is: Which approach should I take to combine these two functionalities, utilizing the existing possibilities in the TreePanel
object without inventing the wheel again? I am not looking for a complete solution (it would be nice though ;-) ), but rather how to handle drag/drop-zones, events and so on.
Okay. I have been thinking about this some time now, and the following approach seems to work for me :)
I have configured the left tree as this:
beforenodedrop: function (dropEvent) {
// Does this node come from the right tree?
if (dropEvent.source.tree.id !== dropEvent.tree.id) {
// The node should be discarded.
dropEvent.dropNode.parentNode.removeChild(dropEvent.dropNode, true);
// The node has been discarded, return drop succeeded.
dropEvent.dropStatus = true;
return false;
return true;
nodedragover: function (dragevent) {
// If the node comes from the right tree, it is allowed to be dropped here.
if (dragevent.source.tree.id !== dragevent.tree.id) {
return true;
// A node from this tree is not allowed to be dropped.
return false;
The right tree is configured like this:
beforenodedrop: function (dropEvent) {
// Does this node come from the left tree?
if (dropEvent.source.tree.id !== dropEvent.tree.id) {
// The node should be cloned and inserted in the right tree.
// Copy the node.
var node = dropEvent.dropNode; // the node that was dropped
var nodeCopy = new Ext.tree.TreeNode( // copy it
Ext.apply({}, node.attributes)
// Match the id's.
nodeCopy.id = Ext.id(null,'newnode') + '_' + node.id;
// Find the right place to put it.
if (dropEvent.target.parentNode === dropEvent.tree.getRootNode()) {
// The node is placed on a folder, thus drop it there.
} else {
// The node is placed inside a folder, thus place it in there.
// The node has been dropped, return okay and stop further process.
dropEvent.dropStatus = true;
return false;
// Just use the normal builtin drag and drop.
return true;
Both trees has been set to enable Drag'n'Drop:
enableDD: true
All leaf nodes have the following configuration:
allowDrop: true,
draggable: true
All folders are set to:
allowDrop: true,
draggable: false
The conclusion is, that I have chosen to override some of the builtin drag'n'drop methods in the treepanel while still maintaining the builtin functionality.