Is it possible to pass entire WHERE condition in stored procedure in MySQL 5.x?
I just need pass WHERE condition, like:
CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `productpricing2`(
IN cond CHAR(200)
SELECT * FROM tbl_products WHERE cond LIMIT 1;
and call it like:
CALL productpricing2("productName IS NOT NULL");
Where productName is column i开发者_开发知识库n table tbl_products
Yes it's possible You can use prepared-statements for it, and build whole query as a string, but it's not an elegant way to do things...
also notice that:
- Yours queries should take advantage of parametrized prepared-statements, in case of SQL-Injection
- Even parametrized prepared-statements, are not fully "secure", and You should avoid that kind of DB programming
Yes it is possible (although as HLGEM points out it opens you for possibility of SQL injections).
THe way to do this, is to create dynamic SQL using prepared statement.