
Exclude directory from src/main/webapp from copying to target/app-SNAPSHOT directory

I have project which builds .war file with maven. There is standard src/main/webapp directory. I have also some GWT code there which is compiled by GWT maven plugin. Sometimes I run GWT application from Eclipse, then GWT Eclipse plugin compiles it to src/main/webapp/ap开发者_运维技巧p.policy (app.policy is name of my GWT module). This is OK.

| |-app.policy              (directory created by Eclipse GWT plugin)
  |-app-1.0-SNAPSHOT        (directory created by Maven while building war)
  | |-app.policy            

If src/main/webapp/app.policy does not exist, gwt-maven-plugin creates target/app-1.0-SNAPSHOT/app.policy and it is included in WAR. This is desired behavior.

The problem is if src/main/webapp/app.policy exists. Then it is copied to target/app-1.0-SNAPSHOT/app.policy and is not fully overwritten by what gwt-maven-plugin creates. Can I somehow exclude src/main/webapp/app.policy from being copied to target/app-1.0-SNAPSHOT directory?

I tried <warSourceExcludes>, but it doesn't work. It makes app.policy not go into .war, which is not what I want. I want it in .war, but I want it to be created by maven-gwt-plugin, not copied from src/main/webapp.

Try to exclude the file from maven resources:


If this works then you can add this configuration to a maven profile.





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