DataBinding Oddity - Converter not called on the second pass
I have a context menu that is defined as a resource and bound to the SelectedItem in a DataGrid, using a converter to get the display name of the current item, as in "Edit " or "Edit "
It works fine for the first selected item, but doesn't call the converter on the second (I have a break point in it that only gets hit on the first pass). BUT if I invoke the bound command on the second pass, it invokes on the newly selected instance as it should.
I use this technique with other ItemsControls and I can't spot anything wrong. Any ideas?
BerrylResource & binding
<ContextMenu x:Key="ProjectActivityContextMenu" x:Shared="true">
<MenuItem Header="{Binding SelectedProjectActivity, Converter={StaticResource DeleteProjectConv}}" Command="{Binding DeleteCommand}" />
<DataGrid ...
SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedProjectActivity}"
ContextMenu="{DynamicResource ProjectActivityContextMenu}"
This also happens if I declare it as part of the grid, like:
<ContextMenu >
<MenuItem Header="{Binding SelectedProjectActivity, Converter={StaticResource DeleteProjectConv}}" Command="{Binding DeleteCommand}" />
I think what you're seeing is just a consequence of defining the ContextMenu as a Resource. Until you actually open the menu, it has no DataContext to apply the Bindings to so the converter isn't being called. This should hold even if you change the selection a few times without opening the menu. Once you right click and open the menu the DataContext is applied and the Bindings can be resolved.