
What does NSLog actually do?

I am having a weird problem. I am using a method from Apple's private frameworks in my application. When I call it for the first time, it works. When I call it for the second time immediately without anything in between, it crashes. However, if I put NSLog between the two calls, it works wonderfully. So I try removing NSLog and puting for-loops, sleep(), printf("..."), and fprintf(stderr, "...") between them to emulate NSLog, but it doesn't he开发者_C百科lp. I am wondering how the method knows that I use NSLog? In other words, what does NSLog actually do to affect the behaviors of the method?

Thank you very much!


I seem to solve this problem. I will share my solution here and hope it may be useful to some people.

I am creating a multitouch-related application using MultitouchSupport.framework. I copied code from http://aladino.dmi.unict.it/?a=multitouch and added a CFRelease at the end of the loop. So, basically, my main method looks like this :

int main(void) { 
    int i; 
    NSMutableArray* deviceList = (NSMutableArray*)MTDeviceCreateList(); //grab our device list 
    for(i = 0; i<[deviceList count]; i++) { //iterate available devices 
        MTRegisterContactFrameCallback([deviceList objectAtIndex:i], touchCallback); //assign callback for device 
        MTDeviceStart([deviceList objectAtIndex:i], 0); //start sending events 
    printf("Ctrl-C to abort\n"); 
    return 0; 

After running for a while, it will show "Program received signal: “EXC_BAD_ACCESS”." And here is the stack trace:

#0 0x7fff8795496e in ParsedMultitouchFrameRepInitialize
#1 0x7fff879565b1 in mt_HandleMultitouchFrame
#2 0x7fff87955a03 in mt_DequeueDataFromDriver
#3 0x7fff87955b29 in mt_DequeueMultitouchDataFromDriverThreadEntry
#4 0x7fff831b3456 in _pthread_start
#5 0x7fff831b3309 in thread_start

However, if I put NSLog below MTDeviceStart, it will not crash.

The reason I added CFRelease((CFMutableArrayRef)deviceList) to the original code is that I think objects that are created from functions named *Create* or *Copy* should be released by ourselves. But it turns out that if I remove it like the original code does, it will not crash, even without using NSLog.

So, maybe it's because I release deviceList too early? But if that's so, why does NSLog seem to be able to prevent the crash?

Something similar to this:

static inline void NSLogMessageString(NSString *string){
  NSString *date=[[NSDate date]
   descriptionWithCalendarFormat:@"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%F"
                        timeZone:nil locale:nil];
  NSString *process=[[NSProcessInfo processInfo] processName];

  NSLogFormat(@"%@ %@[%d:%lx] %@",date,process,NSPlatformProcessID(),NSPlatformThreadID(),string);

void NSLogv(NSString *format,va_list arguments) {
  NSString *string=NSStringNewWithFormat(format,nil,arguments,NULL);


 [string release];

void NSLog(NSString *format,...) {
  va_list arguments;



Thanks for asking this question lol, I wanted to rewrite it so I could add debugging variables, meaning I could turn all NSLogging calls off when needed..

It takes a long time. I'm not sure why. It prints the date/time, process name, process ID, thread ID, and (finally) the string you asked for. I think it also sends the log message to syslogd (either Xcode or iPCU's console shows multiline NSLogs as a single entry; I forget which); the IPC there might be significant.

Try using syslog() (#import <syslog.h> and then syslog(LOG_INFO, "Hello there!");, if it works but you get no output, try changing the priority (see man 3 syslog).

NSLog can affect issues like the one you are running into because it affects the order that threads execute because when you call NSLog in a background thread, it has to gain exclusive access to stdout. printf debugging tricky problems with threads often leads to "heisenbugs" for this reason (i.e. they change behavior when you try to examine them).

It could be a problem with memory management: an extraneous release perhaps. If you post the traceback, it might be some help in tracking down the issue. (As it turns out, someone on Twitter I follow mentioned something like this last night).





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