DTD syntax for SQL UNIQUE constraint
I am moving from accessing data via a database to XML for my application specific needs. I am currently writing a DTD for the XML by referring to my SQL table schema. I have defined a constraint on 4 columns to be unique(These 4 columns defines a directory structure 3 step deep so together they have to be unique eg. dir1/dir2/dir3/dirA and dir1/dir2/dir3/dirB). I know I can use an ID to maintain uniqueness of an attribute, but how can I bind this for 4 attributes together?
Use an ID
along with an IDREF
to define this relationship. Here are two formats:
<!DOCTYPE lab_group [
<!ELEMENT lab_group (student_name)*>
<!ELEMENT student_name (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST student_name student_no ID #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST student_name tutor_1 IDREF #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST student_name tutor_2 IDREF #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST student_name tutor_3 IDREF #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST student_name tutor_4 IDREF #IMPLIED>
<xs:element name="student_name">
<xs:key name="ID">
<xs:selector xpath="student_no"/>
<xs:field xpath="@id"/>
<xs:keyref name="IDREF" refer="ID">
<xs:selector xpath="//student_name/@tutor_1|//student_name/@tutor_2|//student_name/@tutor_3|//student_name/@tutor_4"/>
<xs:field xpath="@ref"/>
Here are a few analogues for quick reference:
- ID => primary key
- IDREF => foreign key
- IDREFS => joins