jquery and jquery-ui not working in Springsource Tool Suite 2.3.3.M1
I installed the jquery and jquery-ui plugins for grails into SpringSource Tool Suite (STS-Eclipse) following the documentation located at http://www.grails.org/plugin/jquery and using the grails command-line tool included with STS-Eclipse as follows:
grails> install-plugin jquery grails> install-p开发者_高级运维lugin jquery-ui
According to the documentation, both jquery and jquery-ui should appear in my projects web-app/js directory which is located under my eclipse workspace as follows:
Instead, both items are installed in ~/.grails/1.3.3/projects//plugins/ and are never copied to my web-app/js directory.
Needless to say my GSP views can't find the jquery files. I will likely copy the files manually; however, it seems to go against the convention of using grails install-plugin jquery.
Has anyone else had a similar problem? Is there a configuration parameter I should set?
Thx, Ashley
I found the answer at http://grails.1312388.n4.nabble.com/Problem-with-Grails-1-3-2-Jquery-1-4-2-2-and-g-javascript-tag-td2271796.html.
I have to add plugin="jquery" to my g:javascript tag like .
Thanks Ashley