
How to perform Batch Geocoding on google or some other geocoding service provider?

How to perform Batch Geocoding on google or some other Geocoding service provider. I dont want batch address processing where the application uses a JavaS开发者_如何学编程cript to break the address batch into single address in a loop and perform geocoding like the sample provider here (http://onemarco.com/2007/06/03/geocoding-with-the-google-maps-api/). I want to perform a batch geocoding where I can submit a bulk address in the from of file or text diretly to the service provider and get a suitable response.

Thanking you in advance.

Probably BatchGeo.com will help you out, it's based on the Google Maps API but you can choose to use Yahoo's geocoding service too. BatchGeo does a very decent job. Otherwise there are quite a few (commercial) API based solutions like http://maplarge.com/geocoder

Check out the wikipedia page on geocoding, it has a pretty comprehensive list.

While there are few batch geo processes out there, they are very different. Some use old interpolations and are off by 30-300 feet on average. That is significant in an urban environment. It is not clear from the question if you are referring to API or just an application. For application I would recommend CSV2Geodata . It comes with free and paid option For API I would recommend mapbox . It also come with free and paid option. Another api is mapquest https://www.mapbox.com/geocoding/ Both API are easy to connect and use and javascript will not break.





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