
Is there such case when in try\finally block the finally won't be executed?

I'm studying for my test in Object Oriented Programming and I was wondering if there is any case what so ever that considerin开发者_Python百科g the following code:

try {
    do something
} catch (someException e) {

} finally {
    do something

the finally block will not execute?

Yes. If you crash the Java VM or otherwise muck things up via native code, cause the program to terminate, or loop/wait infinitely inside the try block.

Those are the only three cases which will avoid executing the finally block.

If you call System.exit(0) in the try. Or make something that makes the JVM quit or hang (like a deadlock). Otherwise - no.

The Java Language Specification guarantees that finally is invoked before the try-statement completes.

The try statement might not complete for the usual reasons, which have been enumerated in Borealid's answer.

The finally block will definitely get executed if the control comes out of the try or the catch block. If you some how manage to stop the control to come out of these blocks :

  • by writing exit statement, or

  • infinite loop etc.

then the finally block will not get executed. Generally we write the finally block for the "cleanup" purpose.





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