
Flex Serialization for inbuilt components like...HBox, VBox, Panel, Canvas, DataGrid

Here is the problem...I'm working on a flex application(actionscript)...

I have a Panel in my application which contains 2 buttons and 3 canvas components at certain posstions...now I want to store the current state of panel in some file or database...and afterwards I want to load the same panel again in my application when I come back and run the application...

so I tried to convert whole panel into ByteArray object using its readObject() and writeObject() methods...but when I read the ByteArray and add the panel in my application using addChild() method it doesn't add anything and there was no error or fault...

writeObject c开发者_如何学Creates ByteArray that I am able to print but when i get it back and add child, I am not able to get the panel and it's children...

if anyone can help...it would be appreciated...thanks in advance...

Here is the example code...explaining what i want to do...

        import mx.controls.Alert;
        import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
        import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;

    [Bindable] private var photoFeed:ArrayCollection;

    var buffer:ByteArray;

    private function init():void{

        addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyHandler);
        buffer = new ByteArray();

    private function keyHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void{
        if(event.charCode == 13){

                    myButton.label = "Exit";


                Alert.show(error.toString(),"Encoding Error");

            reloadButton.visible = true;
            Alert.show("HBox is deleted","Alert");

    private function reloadHBox():void{

        Alert.show("Trying to load Hbox","Alert"); 
            buffer.position = 0;
            var obj:HBox = buffer.readObject() as HBox;

            Alert.show(error.toString(),"Decoding Error");


        Alert.show("Hbox is reloaded","Alert"); 


<mx:Button id="reloadButton" label="Reload HBox" visible="false" click="reloadHBox()"/>

<mx:HBox width="100%" id="myData">
    <mx:Label text="Hi Rashmin here..."/>
    <mx:TextInput id="searchTerms" name="searchTerms" text="Hello How are you?"/>
    <mx:Button id="myButton" label="Enter"/>

I want to regenerate the HBox so need some help...

Creative idea, but I'm not surprised it doesn't work. Can you share some code?

That said, I'd just write up an algorithm to save the state (x, y coordinates / height width etc... ) and reset that info when you load it.

You could create an object that stores your panel position

 private var positions:Object;
 positions = { panel1Position: new Point( panel1X , panel1Y)
                          //etc.... };

Set some default values to start with and your components would get their positions from your positions object.

  private function init():void
     panel1.x = positions.panel1Position.x;

To save your values, use a SharedObject

 var objectName:String = "Put some identifier here";
 var sharedObject:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal( objectName , '/' );
 sharedObject.data.positions = positions;

To retrieve your values, you just need

 var sharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal( "the identifier you've set above" , '/' );
 positions = sharedObject.data.positions;

You can then update your components x & y values. Anyway, this is the general idea, for more info check the SharedObject class:


You can apply the same principle with your panel states, if you can identify each state with an integer for instance, save the state integer in your sharedObject.





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